Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tis a Good Thing, My Feet are Sore.

Okay well we'll try this again. Hello everyone I'm a noob to RPG but I'd like to have a good Rp with my friends for the purpose of character development. You are however, welcome to join us, though understand that this is an open ended rp with no real plot. It is a character based story, so the plot builds on it's own.

Welcome to Ellinsdale my good folk. A rather large country I'd say, but let me tell you about it, so that you may understand where to you're adventures may take you.
To the West there is a large spanning mountain range, the Caverntroll mountains we call it. It stretches far to the North and far to the South and acts as a rigid and rocky barrier to the Western Sea. The inhabitants of these mountains consists of magical fey folk,Trolls, Druids and other unknown creatures. Most men avoid theses mountains but know that there are also Dwarves who burry deep into the mountain sides here, building great cities of stone, but that is farther in northern reaches of the mountains. Keep on heading North past the dwarf cities and you'll find the Northmen, large brutish men who sail the Western Sea and find glory in knocking your head off.
Of course, let me not forget, if you look to the East you will find vast rolling hills of grass with patches of dense forests, and scattered about them, are the little villages of peasant folk and their surrounding farms. But If you'd rather meet the kindly king Candwell, he lives in his fortress at the center of Einterdale, a large prospering city of the good folk who rule the hills of grass.
To the South there is a thick forest, Direwood the elves call it, where the large elven city Antelwol sits. The elves here enjoy songs, games and gloroius fun and make for the best artisians you may ever find in Ellinsdale.
Well yes that is Ellinsdale my friends and now you know what is where and where is what. Oh but beware, though it all may sound pleasant, as we all know, the world is never kind all the time. There are wicked men, elves, dwarves and all, and sometimes there is a demon or two who finds their way out of hell and into our world, and of course there are necromancers who study in secrecy in dark froboding places. So be warned my dear friends and may you always tread on comfy grass.

This is a medieval themed story so you must have a meidieval themed character, makes sense yes?
You may have up to five characters, but you must not let it get confusing, and write clearly.
Please post up to a paragraph or more.
Be kind and respectful and no killing others without consent.
OOC discussion must be kept at a minimum and written in Purple.
If you wish to leave the rp, let us know, instead of leaving people stranded.
Adult themes (violence, sex, swearing) is permitted but lets not get too gross here.
Characters shall be posted in an OOC Topic titled "OOC TGTMFS " ooc-tgtmfs-players-wanted-t65964.html


take care drake cain accuser aesop rock take care track list michael jackson trial carlos the jackal namibia

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